In his one-and-a-half acre jungle of a market, Jim & his team stack foodstuffs from around the world: produce, wine and beer, bread & pastries, fresh seafood, cheeses, and more. If visitors can pull themselves away from the diversity on the shelves (and the humidor stocked with cigars from over 70 countries), Jungle Jim hosts cooking demonstrations, staffs three in-house restaurants, and even keeps shopping fun for all ages with surprises around each corner (Elvis the Lion guards the massive candy section).
Before Jim was tending his zoo of a market, he's was the little kid with jungle-sized dreams. Selling wild cattails for a penyy and washing balls from the water traps to sell back to local golfers, Jim grew up to man his own roadside produce stand by the time he was 18. In 1975, Jim bought the lot for his first market and the jungle has been expanding ever since.
And now the Goose is going to the wild side with meat treats in the Jungle! We're thrilled to add our Tasso, Guanciale, Pancetta, Elk Terrine, Coppa, Deleware Fireballs, Sopressata, and Black Truffle Bologna, to Jungle Jim's impressive line up.
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